Our Story
In 1972 Dan Goldberg founded a company, For Eyes Optical Co. Inc., that helped change the way all professional businesses market their products and services throughout the United States of America. The Senate Select
Committee on Small Business and the Federal Trade Commission cited Dan and his business as one
of the reasons to change the regulations and allow professionals to advertise and market in ways they
had not done before.
His company became a national entity and Dan appeared on television and radio stations, along with
being interviewed in magazines and newspapers, across the country.
When he sold, people from around the world contacted Dan to help them build their businesses, turn
their dreams into reality, and advise them on how to make their organizations more effective and
As he began to consult to different business and organizations, requests for Dan to give keynote
speeches began to come in. This led to him speaking at conventions, retreats, and corporate offices
around the U.S. With more appearances came inquiries for him to work with people by conducting
personal and business coaching sessions for individuals and corporations.
Authored books and university teaching opportunities soon followed. Shortly thereafter Dan built an even more robust organization with more extensive offerings.
Now the Dan Goldberg brand is making an even deeper mark across the globe.
We appreciate you joining us on our website and, if you feel that we can help you in any way, please
don’t hesitant to contact us.